We will get to know important Jerusalemite leaders through street names and neighborhoods in Jerusalem. The activity will include the use of virtual tools and a competitive activity using Google Maps.
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We will get to know important Jerusalemite leaders through street names and neighborhoods in Jerusalem. The activity will include the use of virtual tools and a competitive activity using Google Maps.
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The activity order:
Part 1 5 min
We will go round and hear from each participant the name of the street that s/he lives on.
The activity leader will choose a few participants and will ask them to explain the name of the street (to the best of the participant’s ability).
The leader will ask, “Did you ever think about the name of your street?”
Part 2 20 min
We will send the participants, via the orange man in Google Maps- to a street named after a character that they will choose and they will need to answer questions by wandering the streets of Jerusalem. The participants will be split into groups and will be asked the questions as a competition between the groups.
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Part 3 20 min
Learning and deepening the knowledge about the chosen characters. Split the participants into groups. Each group will learn about one character’s life story and will try to define his “identity card”.
The leader will then discuss with the participants why the characters are outstanding or special to us? Why did they merit to have a street named after them?
Part 4 10 min
According to the characters chosen, discuss what a leader is.
Talk about the fact that street names express our public space and our aspirations for what it will look like.
Jerusalem is a city of connections, of unity and of leadership in the Jewish people.
Choosing the names of leaders as the names of streets in the most central city of the Jewish world, intends to create a public space of leadership and of never-ending aspirations to be good and to lead- each person in his unique field.
Part 5 5 min
Every participant chooses the name of a leader whose road (named after the leader) he would want to live on.